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I’m Jay Norman

A writing polisher

Jay Norman

I help you polish and refine your business writing with the copyediting and proofreading you need | Put my 30+ years as a writer, editor, and information publisher to work for you!

My Services


Blog Articles

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SEO Strategy

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Information architecture

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About Me

I help people with the copyediting and proofreading they need to polish and refine their writing. I bring to the table 30+ years as an information publisher, writer, editor, and proofreader.

During my years in the field, I founded, built, and sold a specialty publishing business, Personnel Policy Service, Inc., focusing on employment law compliance.
We developed and kept up-to-date a comprehensive 800-page manual (print and digital) of model human resources policies. Each of the 60+ policy models was meticulously annotated for management insights and rationale plus all the laws, regulations, and court cases impacting the policy.

In addition, we had an 8-page monthly newsletter and a weekly ezine.

We were the leading experts in the practical day-to-day impact of complicated employment laws like the ADA, FMLA, and FLSA. Our guiding focus was to provide simple explanations to business owners, HR professionals, and lawyers on timely and difficult issues such as harassment, discipline, leaves of absence, and working from home (even before the pandemic).

Our subscribers ranged in size from small businesses to industry giants like Monsanto and Cisco.

In building the business, I gained extensive publishing, editing, and proofreading knowledge and experience by actively participating in the programs of the Specialized Publishing Industry Association (SIPA) in Washington. I served on its Board of Directors for eight years.

More recently, I sold our publishing assets to BLR/Simplify Compliance and then took time off to enjoy travel and devote time to local volunteer interests.

However, I quickly realized how much I missed the writing and publishing world and am now helping others perfect their writing skills. So, if you’re looking for an experienced copyeditor and proofreader, I’m ready to help!

OK – enough about me. Now, it’s your turn! Click on the blue “Connect” or “Message” button above under my picture or contact me directly at [email protected].

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